Our Services

We will guide you through each service we provide including the components of legislation and the latest rulings by the Employment Relations Authority for greater understanding.

Recruiting, Inductions and Job Descriptions,

Collective and Individual Employment Agreements,

Employment Relationship Disputes,

Bullying, Discrimination and or Harassment,

Performance Management,

Medical Incapacities,

Restructuring and or Redundancies,

Personal Grievance Claims,

Restraint of Trade and Non-Solicitations Clauses and Claims,

Breaches of – Good Faith, Privacy Act, Health & Safety Claims,

Breaches of the – Employment Relationship Act 2000, Minimum Wage Act 1983, Wage Protection Act 1983, and or the Holidays Act 2003 Claims,

Misconduct & Serious Misconduct Investigations,

Disciplinary Processes and Dismissals,

Mediations, Records of Settlements, Non-Compliance Filing,

Employment Investigation Hearings and Employment Court

Ira Consulting Limited, Employment Advocate, Employment Representative, Employment Specialist.

Ira White

Ira Consulting Limited

021 1178 355
